Jul 31, 2016

Isaiah 54:17 - This verse is so powerful, I love it, so basically even if the weapon is formed it cannot destroy us! And the tongue that rise up against us will be condemned. I love this part; this is the benefit from being a child of God... Love it sooooooo much!!!! Be blessed 


Jul 30, 2016

Ephesians 6: 11/12 - The only way to put on the whole armour of God is by studying the word of God and getting it into our hearts and our minds, that's the only way we'll be able to stand firm when the enemy attacks. So our focus should be; The word of God, The word of God, The word of God...
Be blessed... 

Jul 29, 2016

Philippians 4:6/7 -  In other words we should not be anxious for anything, but instead we should pray about everything and thanking God as we make our requests known to Him. And the peace that only God alone gives will comfort our hearts. Be blessed...    

Jul 28, 2016

Philippians 2:3/4 -  We should do nothing out of selfishness, but in humility and value others above ourselves. We should look more to the needs of others than our own needs. "This is the word of the Lord."
Be blessed...

Jul 27, 2016

1 Corinthians 2:9 - I believe that this verse is emphasizing that our earthly bodies cannot imagine what God has in store for those who love Him. We cannot comprehend, only time will tell. Be blessed 

Jul 26, 2016

John 8: 7 - Well there was no one left standing to cast the first stone because we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is not possible for us to live a perfect life but with the help of the Holy Spirit and God as our Guide it is possible to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Be blessed...  

Jul 25, 2016

Luke 6:37 - God's word is so true, in other words you will reap what you sow. If we really understand this principle, then we need to conduct ourselves accordingly; "Lord help us not to judge, to condemn or be reluctant to forgive, help us to obey your word and walk in the rewards associated with Obedience. Be blessed... 

Jul 24, 2016

Matthew 6:1 - I have been guilty of this a few times in my life where I have made a substantial monetary contribution to someone's life and I wanted it to be noticed. The Lord has nudged me and I immediately repented and felt bad that I even did it in the first place. We are human and we mess up at times but again we need to go to the Lord instantly and ask for pardon. Giving should be a joyful experience between you and God.
Be blessed...

Jul 23, 2016

Galatians 5:14 - Wow is it really possible to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, yes, because with God ALL things are possible. Let's make it a habit of going to Him when we cannot do things on our own and if we truly follow that rule we'd be going to him 24/7. We cannot go to Him enough.
Be blessed... 

Jul 22, 2016

Psalm 139:23-24 - What a prayer? We're asking God to examine us to see if there is any wicked way in us and if there is, to cleanse us. May this be our prayer each day when we seek the Lord. Be blessed...

Jul 21, 2016

Image result for luke 6:27-28

Luke 6:27&28 -  Love your enemies??? Be honest this is hard for us to do in our own strength, but the only way this is possible is through the leading of the Holy Spirit. I need help in this area, but that is the reason Jesus left the Holy Spirit/The Comforter because there will be things that we will not be able to do on our own and this is one of them. Don't be afraid to call upon the Lord when you need help. Be blessed... 

Jul 20, 2016

1 John 4:18 - Where God's Love is there is no fear, because His perfect love drives out fear. So love cannot be made perfect in the person who fears. Lets trust God more and fear less. Be blessed

Jul 19, 2016

Image result for my peace i leave with you

John 14: 27 - In light of the increased violence in this country we have to cling to the Lord like never before. But despite the turmoil, He has promised us His Peace, so let us not be troubled or afraid God will never leave us and remember we will always have His Peace. Be blessed...


Galatians 6:9 - If you are an individual who constantly sow into the lives of others, I encourage you to keep doing it as unto the Lord because if you do not grow weary in doing good you will reap the rewards if you do not quit.  Remember whatever your hands find to do, do it as unto the Lord.
Be blessed...  

Jul 18, 2016

Matthew 4:10 - The devil have some nerves, he is a created being and he is tempting the Creator, not only that but he is offering God the things that He created in the first place, if He would bow down and worship him. Wrong! This would never happen, our worship belongs to God alone and Him Only shall we serve! Be blessed...

Jul 17, 2016

Psalm 46:10 - What will it take as a people living here on earth to know that God, the ONLY True God must be exalted among the nations and in the earth. We are living in some crazy times and men are lovers of themselves more than God, we must get in His word, sing praises to Him daily, pray to Him, exalt His name and worship Him. God is worthy of our praise. Be blessed...  

Jul 16, 2016

Joshua 1:9 - Following up on yesterday's post this is the word for my sister in Christ who has willingly offered her life as a Living Sacrifice, Holy acceptable unto God which is her reasonable service. 'Be Strong, be of good courage, be not afraid neither be dismayed because the Lord will be with you wherever you go!' May God order your steps as you consecrate your life to service. May God's presence be with you always. Be blessed...   

Jul 15, 2016

Roman 12:1 - Our Upper-room Prayer gathering was totally charged with the Holy Spirit. The woman of God who has been called to this ministry presented herself to the Lord as a Living sacrifice and consecrated her life for service. Her interpretation of this verse is that we need to present our whole body but not just the hand or the foot but our entire body. In the old Testament when the animals were sacrificed, it was the whole sheep, or the whole cow so it only makes sense for us to sacrifice our whole bodies to the Lord. Think on these things, be blessed.

Jul 14, 2016

Psalm 46:10-11 - Sometimes we just need to be calm and still as we ponder on God Almighty! Meditate on Him day and night and draw from His presence. He is amazing! In light of the mysterious mishaps globally we just have to exalt the name of the Lord because only He knows what the future holds. My prayer is that we use every opportunity to have a closer walk with God and learn to talk to Him but more importantly learn to listen to His voice. 

Jul 13, 2016

Exodus 15:11 - There is none like You and never will be, You are God and God alone! Wow, working wonders, you never cease to amaze us!
Be blessed...

Jul 12, 2016

Exodus 15:28 - The water returned, covering the chariots, chariot drivers, and all the king's army that had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not one of them survived." What a Mighty God we serve, let Him fight our battles for us, He won then and He will win forever, He has never lost a battle and never will! Be blessed...  

Jul 11, 2016

Exodus 14:25 - At sometime in our lives most of us have argued, complained and fussed at God doubting that he would come through for us. Some of us are no different from the Israelites with the constant murmuring and unbelief. May God forgive us and my prayer is that we will totally trust Him and take Him at His word more. It's also interesting how the enemy acknowledged that God is fighting the battle for His people. Nothing has changed, today God still fights for His people.
Be blessed...  

Jul 10, 2016

Exodus 14:13/14 - These 2 verses are totally inseparable, the children of Israel were angry and blamed Moses for the dilemma they were facing, they were about to be trampled to death by the Pharaoh's horses, but it took one man who absolutely believed God and took Him at His word to bring about instant change. Moses knew God would destroy the enemy and save His people, and He did! Lord help us to have the faith of Moses, remember he didn't always have great faith, as he grew in the Lord his faith grew, may that be our prayer today. Be blessed...     

Jul 9, 2016

Romans 8:2 - This is one of my favorite scripture verses. So check this out 'The Spirit of Life' has it's own law through Christ Jesus. And for those of us who have accepted Christ we have been set FREE from the Law of Sin and Death. So the conclusion of the matter is that we have a choice to either live by the Law of the Spirit of Life or the Law of Sin and Death, which will it be? I am on the Lord's side, are you? Have a blessed weekend...  

Jul 8, 2016

1 Timothy 6:17 - The topic of riches is controversial among believers as some feel that believers should not be rich while others feel that riches is a blessing from God and believers should strive to be rich. For Timothy to say; remind them who are rich in this world to be humble and not to trust in their riches, means that there will be rich among us. The key is to put our trust in God and not in our riches as it has no lasting value. Our relationship with God has no end, it is everlasting, it is eternal. When we leave this earth we will leave all our earthly belongings, including our riches. Therefore let us spend more time laying up treasures in heaven than treasures on earth. Think on these things. Be blessed...

Jul 7, 2016

Romans 8:18 - Paul wrote 'that the suffering of this present time, are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Two thousand years ago was referred to as being in the present time as well as today, we are still in present time and as Believers we will always experience some sort of suffering, but no matter what type of suffering we might endure it pales in comparison to what we will experience when we see the Lord. If we stay on course and serve the Lord, there is reward at the end of our journey. Be blessed...  

Jul 6, 2016

Isaiah 55:11 - Only God alone guarantees this authority on His words, His words are Anointed, His word is life-changing and His word is truth. Can you believe that He has given us the same power, but do we believe? My God, He says when He speak the words from His mouth it will not return to Him empty, but the words will accomplish what He sent it forth to do and it shall prosper. How can we not serve this AMAZING God!!!!
Be blessed... 

Jul 5, 2016

Psalm 90:2 - Our minds cannot comprehend the magnitude of God! He existed from before the world was formed, before the mountains were born, He existed before water, fire, wind. He has been here from the beginning of time! Don't think about this too hard, remember He created us, we are fashioned in His image and made in His likeness so if we spent a lifetime trying to figure out the origin of God we will never be able to understand it. What we need to do is take Him at His word and trust him wholeheartedly.  Be blessed...

Jul 4, 2016

1Samuel 3:10 - So my grandson James is 10 years old today and he's a very laid-back, yet intelligent young man, got straight A's all year, loves basket ball, but James is a home body, he loves the Lord. You see this little one is very special to me, in 2010 I had developed blood clots because I had surgery and the moment I went home I started working on a manuscript that was consuming my life at the time. Was sitting for extended periods without walking around, after 6 weeks I knew something was seriously wrong as I was having problems breathing. Drove myself to my doctor and shortly after I was admitted to the hospital. Multiple blood clots in the lungs - Pulmonary Embolism. I was discharged after being in the hospital for a week, but had to breathe with the assistance of the oxygen tank along with injections, blood thinners etc. One night I suddenly awoke as it seemed as though someone was trying to choke me to death and as I wrestled with the enemy he reminded me that he's been trying to take me out for years but tonight he finally got me where he wanted me as there's no room to escape. I was in the only bedroom downstairs in this gigantic house . James was only 3 years old at the time and the Lord woke him up and told him to go wake his mom and tell he needed juice, well as soon as he made his request he went straight back to bed, but my daughter was prompted to come downstairs and check on me, the word of God said one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand, so with the help of God we had the room prayed up, cleaned out and Leneen posted scripture verses on the door and all over the room. The following day when James woke up I called him and told him that God used him to save grandma's life and he looked on me as if to say; 'I don't know what you are talking about. Then I saw as though he remembered what happened during the night, then he said; "Grandma I was fast asleep and someone popped my eyes open, popped my eyes open." I hugged him and cried as I recalled the story about Samuel. God promised to save us from the snares of the enemy and that He surely did. Be blessed...

Jul 3, 2016

Luke 6:31 - In other words, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, in other words, 'Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is referred to as 'The Golden Rule.' Let us keep this golden and keep this in the forefront of our minds, even when someone is mean to us, let's always remember the Golden Rule and when in doubt ask ourselves; 'What would Jesus do. Think on these things. Be blessed...   

Jul 2, 2016

Jeremiah 1:5 - Today July 2, 2016 my daughter turns 35. For a moment, the announcement of her birth gripped me with fear, because prior to knowing that I was pregnant, I had a series of x-rays done, so when the pregnancy was confirmed my doctor told me to Abort, as I would give birth to a vegetable. I was not trying to hear that but being told the same thing by 6 more doctors, I decided to go to the Lord and just cry on Him because I was scared. I went through crazy nightmares during the pregnancy, had false alarm and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance but the following day, July 2, 1981 I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl and I just could not stop the tears of joy, I thanked God then and 35 years later I'm still thanking God. Yes He has set her separate and apart and has given her a Big Purpose and He knew she had to be born so neither the doctors or the x-rays could have stopped her. We give God the glory. Be blessed...   

Jul 1, 2016

Colossians 3:12 - Just as how we get up each day and get dressed, clothes becomes a natural part of our preparation process. At least in this society we don't have undressed folks walking around, instead putting on our clothes is a part of our daily routine. So check this out, each day we are also called to clothes ourselves with Compassion, Kindness, Humility and Patience. If we do this routinely as we do our physical clothes then our walk with God would be so much deeper, so much sweeter so much more real. Each morning as you get dressed, speak out aloud; "Now I'm putting on Compassion, Kindness, Humility and Patience," and believe it.
Be Blessed...